Sunday, July 27, 2014

We Need the Church to Grow (Eph. 4.11-16)

Scripture: Ephesians 4.11-16
Translation: 11And He gave the apostles, and the prophets, and the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers, 12for the sake of getting the holy people completely ready for the work of ministry, for the edification of the Body of Christ, 13until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the full-growth of the fullness of Christ, 14so that we won’t be babies any more, who get thrown around and carried around by every wind of teaching in accordance with the trickiness of men, in accordance with the deviousness aimed at the scamming of deception,  15and [so that] by being truthful, we will grow in love with respect to all things into Him, Who is the Head, Christ, 16from Whom the whole body that’s joined and united together through every ligament of support according to the in-working in a measure of each and every single body part achieves the growth of the body resulting in the edification of itself in love.

1.      Structure
a.       Eph. 4.7-16: Gifts to the Church
                                                              i.      Gifts to believers in the church
                                                            ii.      Fulfilling Scripture by Christ giving gifts
                                                          iii.      Gifts to the Church (vv.11-16)
1.      Extended

11And He gave the apostles,
                          and the prophets,
                          and the evangelists,
                          and the pastors and teachers,
12for the sake of getting the holy people completely ready for the work of ministry,
for the edification of the Body of Christ,
13until we all attain to the unity of the faith
                                                   and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
                               to a mature man,
                               to the measure of the full-growth of the fullness of Christ,
14so that we won’t be babies any more,
               who get thrown around
               and carried around by every wind of teaching
                          in human trickiness,
                          in deviousness aimed at the deceptive scamming,
15and [so that] by being genuine in love, we will grow with respect to all things into Him,
Who is the Head,
16from Whom the whole body       \/ \/ \/                     achieves the growth of the body
that’s joined
and united together through every supporting ligament
according to the in-working in a measure of each and every single body part
resulting in the edification of itself in love.

2.      Simplified
A         Main action:    Jesus gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers
B         Main intention:
Negatively: so that we wouldn’t be immature and duped into false teaching
Positively: so that we would grow into Christ to become fully mature and loving
2.      Themes
a.       Love
b.      Growth, maturity, perfection,
c.       Body/Body Parts
d.      Gifts
e.       Church
f.       Delegation/training/equipping
g.      Truth vs. deception
h.      Edification
i.        The Parts and The Whole
3.      Doctrines
a.       Jesus is generous and gives the church not just individual gifts but corporate gifts
b.      Jesus wants His Body to be healthy, mature, and growing
c.       Pastors are not supposed to do everything, they are supposed to get the church ready to do everything
d.      All believers should benefit from all other believers, that is all believers have ministry to do

1.      You need the church to grow, because you need pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets,
a.       It’s kind of awkward for me to preach this, but the truth is you need the church, because you can only get pastored in the church. In fact, the church as a whole, Christians in general would not grow into mature Christians or in a mature Body of Christ without the gifts that Jesus gave to the church, the gifts are the people He gave, the Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
b.      God have me, and others like me and others with different callings than me to the church for the sake of the church growing to become strong, healthy, and mature. You need these people, so that you don’t get sucked up into bad and blasphemous theology and lies and deceivers
c.       But He didn’t just give me and others like me to protect you and make sure you don’t stay baby Christians forever, but so that I can help you and me together grow as the church in loving one another and becoming mature in every way, in resembling Jesus in all aspects of our church and lives.
d.      But the way that Jesus made us, and the way He wants us to do that, is not by doing everything on our own. Or just leading the charge, per se, but by equipping you and training you and getting you ready to do the work that Jesus wants you to do by the Holy Spirit for God’s Glory.
e.       My job is not to do all your jobs. My job is to help you know what your jobs are and how God wants you to do your jobs and how you can maybe even get better at your job. A pastor is not a one many band, He is a music teacher or conductor
f.       For the record, apostle is not a role you can have today, regardless of what some people want to call themselves, and regardless of whether they can do miracles or not, it is a well established Christian understanding that while there are in some respects people who can be understand to have replaced the apostles, they are not apostles. Apostles were special men called personally by Jesus in the flesh to preach the Gospel and start the church, not start churches, but start the church!
2.      You need the church to grow, because you need other readied believers
a.       The whole point of Jesus giving the church pastors and teachers and evangelists and prophets and the apostles was for you and me to get prepared by those men to serve Jesus in a ministry, and ministry that will include ministry for the saints
b.      Sometimes when you are young like you are, in middle school, highschool, or even in college, it is easy to let pressure, and what other people think about you or about Jesus, or even sometimes what you think would be cool or impressive keep you from embracing how God has created you, and the ministry Jesus has give you, and the gifts the Holy Spirit is empowering in you. look, I know, I was in Junior High too at one point, and I let what I thought would be cool, and what I thought I wanted to do control me far too much. Maybe you’re really outgoing and people love you, but people mock you for it, or someone you think is cool is not like that, embrace being who God made you, do your ministry.
c.       And it is true that all of you, all of us, have ministry to do both outside and inside the church. Now while you may have a different ministry to do at different times in your life, God has called each of you to tell people about Jesus and help bring them into the family. So, today in small group, there will be two questions, one will ask you to talk about whether you feel like you have been prepared and are ready to go tell people about Jesus, invite them to church, etc.; and the other question will be whether you feel called to a particular ministry, and how I can help you get ready to do it, if you’re not ready yet, and how I can help you get better at it, if you can do it, but you want to get really good at it.
d.      You need the church, because you need to be ministered to by other believers. You need them to serve you, to encourage you, to strengthen you, to teach you, etc. you can become a mature Christian without other Christians, Jesus has structured the Christian life to require us to benefit from one another.
3.      You need the church to grow, because you are part of the church
a.       You are not just an individual believer, you are that, but you are more than that too. You are a believer that is part of a bigger whole, called the church. You cannot grow in all areas of your spiritual life and development by being alone—some you have to be alone for, but not all. Because on a deep, deep level of your being you are connected to something bigger, something greater and more alive than you are on your own.
b.      You are like a cell, it is alive and it does lots of things on its own, but it is not the body all by itself, and it actually can’t live by itself either, it is totally dependent on many other systems and cells for much of its survival.
c.       You can’t be a person who is growing in what it means to be a part of the body, if you are not a part of the body
4.      Questions
a.       Do you feel ready to share the Good News with your friends, neighbors, family members, co-workers and others? If so, what are you doing to share the good news? If not, what could the leaders do to help you get ready and do it?
b.      Do you feel called to a specific kind of ministry inside the church? If so, what is it? And how can the leaders help you to do it or get better at it? If not, what kind of ministry would you like to try out?
c.       Do you feel like you are growing in your spiritual life right now? how could the leaders help you grow more? how could other church members help you?
d.      What would you like to do as a group in the coming weeks and months, in terms of fun stuff, service projects, or evangelism opportunities, or some other cool stuff?
e.       What would you like to have sermons on in the Fall? What about for Bible Studies? Or training for different ministries?


1.      I knew this girl, she was always really happy and smiling, it was great. She was blessed with a happy disposition, and that was a beautiful thing, but people always got on her case for being happy and smiling all the time. Today, I don’t know if she still smiles all the time, but I’ve seen plenty of people who stop acting and even being happy around people, just because of what other people are saying. And that is actually a terribly sad thing. I mean really, what’s wrong with being happy. Seriously, just because you’re not happy, doesn’t mean you should get annoyed at people who are. In fact, a couple weeks ago, we talked about that, Christians celebrate when people are celebrating. Don’t take your hard situation out on others, invite them into your hard situation so that they can empathize and grieve with you, but don’t crush their joy so you can feel better about yourself. Uh…selfish much…no?

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